"Emmy Kuperschmid as the comedic straight (wo)man wrangles a stellar ensemble of women...the comedic timing of a stellar ensemble is the star of this show, delivering genuinely surprising hearty laughs for an all-around pure fun time."
Emmy Kuperschmid (she/her) is an NYC-based actor and playwright who believes in the power of stories to make people feel less alone. She has performed and developed work with theaters including The Public, New York Theatre Workshop, Pipeline Theatre Company, and Adirondack Theatre Festival. Collaborations include performing in the Off-Broadway premiere of Dave Malloy's BEARDO, originating the role of Claire Wilson in STARPATTERN by renowned feminist playwright Carolyn Gage, and playing Samantha Brown in Kerrigan & Lowdermilk's THE MAD ONES LAB.
As a writer, Emmy is a Eugene O'Neill NPC Semifinalist and a member of the Dramatists Guild. Her plays have been developed with Fresh Ground Pepper, LakehouseRanchDotPNG, the Skeleton Rep(resents), and more. An excerpt from her play comment below was selected and featured as a "Top Monologue for Teen Girls" by Backstage, and she is published in the anthology Evil Genius: Monsters on Stage (introduction by Julie Taymor).
Emmy reads a book a week on average, credits Sailor Moon as her first feminist icon, and gives excellent pep talks. She has a tuxedo cat named Tombo who she loves very much.
NY Classical Reviews
"Emmy Kuperschmid is the Dolly Levi of theatre makers. Feel free to use that quote on your website or where you please"
Christian Cieri, MT Writer & Actor